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Sand Volleyball Rules
Sand Volleyball Rules
3 games played per week with rally scoring to 21 each game.
The team who wins 2 out of 3 games wins the match.
Standings are based on match wins, if tie then the total games won.
Leagues are play at your own risk.
All players must sign a waiver and team roster.
After hitting a ball, player may not touch any part of the net.
During each game, each team is allowed 1 timeout of 30 seconds.
If a team is 10 min. late they must forfeit the first game, 25 min. late is a forfeit for the second game
A violation occurs only if a player goes under the net and interferes with the play.
A served ball may contact the net.
A serve may not be blocked or attacked.
No antennaes are used, the ball must cross between the two poles of the net system.
A “touch” on a block does not count as a hit and you still have 3 hits to get the ball over the net.
Subs must be a registered player on the team’s official roster.
A hard-driven ball may be double hit by a player as long as it is not a lift.
No outside food or drinks allowed, drinks and food will be available for purchase.
No smoking on the volleyball courts or at the main bar (you can smoke at the patio tables on the deck)
No PETS allowed
4’s Rules
No hand sets over the net allowed
No open hand tips or dinks
Players can not receive a serve with open hands
Players do not have to rotate positions on the court, but must rotate the server
6’s Rules
Players must rotate positions and servers
It is legal to receive a serve in a setting position, provided it is not considered a lift or held ball
Open-hand tips, dinks are not allowed
Back row attacks will not be allowed, 10 foot rule still applies in sand
Players may be subbed into game in a rotational method to the middle back position (men rotate for men women for women)
There must be a minimum of 2 girls and no more than 3 guys on the court
Event Calendar
League Info
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Sand Volleyball Rules
Meet the Owners
The Sandbar